The Peace Dollar was really a commemorative coin to mark the end of World War I. 1921 dated coins were struck in high relief which was found to be impractical by banks as the coins could not be stacked very high.
The design was therefore modified for the 1922-1935 Peace Dollars. They were struck in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco. 1928 is the rarest date although in top grade the 1934-S Peace Dollar is the most coveted.
Sharply struck with vibrant luster and few marks for the grade.
CAC. Well struck with very lustrous crisp white surfaces that display a touch of 'crust' to attest to their originality.
Crisp white and very well struck.
Well struck with strong crisp white luster.
VAM-12A. Moustache. Sharply struck with sprinkles and splashes of gold tint.
Vibrant luster and minimal marks.
Satiny white surfaces display an excellent strike and a clean appearance.
Blast white and sharply struck.
Satiny white luster with a touch of light champagne hue and a sharp strike.
CAC. A bold strike with beautiful satiny white surfaces that are devoid of significant marks. Super quality!
Thick satiny white luster and sharply struck.
Blast white.
Well struck with satiny luster and choice surfaces.
Crisp white luster and a sharp strike with nice clean surfaces.