Morgan Dollars are one of the most popular of all U.S. coins. They were minted in Philadelphia, Carson City, Denver, and San Francisco.
Morgan Dollars were made from 1878 to 1921. 270,232,722 coins were melted under the Pittman Act of 1918 so mintage figures for Morgan Dollars are not necessarily a true indication of rarity.
CAC. Blast white and sharply struck.
Sharply struck and brilliant white with touches of gold along the periphery.
Frosty white and very sharply struck.
CAC. Blast white and sharply struck.
Satiny white with peripheral champagne accent. Early NGC holder.
Sharply struck and frosty white surfaces with russet-gold highlights.
Lustrous cream-white surfaces.
Blast white.
Brilliant and very flashy with frosted devices and nice cameo contrast.
Brilliant white with violet-gold accents along the periphery. Deeply mirrored fields and thick snowy frost on the devices.
Satiny white with touches of peripheral gold toning.
A needle-sharp strike with thick satiny white luster that flows across virtually pristine surfaces. The neck and cheek are especially clean. Only a single coin has graded finer at PCGS. Super eye appeal!.
Vibrant luster.
Strong 7/8 Feathers. Frosty white luster and a sharp strike.
Satiny white surfaces framed by a trace of gold at the rim.
Strong 7/8TF. Vibrant white luster with lightly frosted design features and a touch of semi proof-like reflectivity. The surfaces are spectacular and devoid of significant marks. Just a single coin has graded numerically finer at NGC.
Strong. Old green label holder.
Strong 7/8 Feathers. Frosty white luster and a sharp strike with a touch of peripheral toning.